Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ALL who are thirsty...

Just to wet your appetite (no pun intented for what's to follow) for our upcoming Gripped study, I'm thinking today about an amazing passage we find in Isaiah 55:1-3 (click the link to read it).

I know when I am running, NOTHING can quench my thirst like water. Even sports drinks like gatorade seem to make me even more thirsty! What do we learn from this passage? ANYONE who is thirsty can come to God and have their eternal thirst QUENCHED. And for what cost? NOTHING...without money and without cost!

So why do we "spend money on what is not bread"? or "labor on what does not satisy"?

If you're like me, you get "thirsty" quite often and time after time you reach for something MUCH LESS than God's ETERNAL WATER. Yet, nothing ever satisfies. Nothing. I don't know about you, but "your soul will delight in the richest of fare" sounds pretty good to me. Better than most of what I find on my own.

I have tucked these verses away and plan to keep them quite handy. Next time I find myself thirsty, I'm headed for some water. And oh yeah, they'll be plenty of water available this Sunday in room 127 as always.

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