Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dealt With!

Well, I always believe that if you miss SS class not only are you missed, but you also miss something as well. If you weren't in class today...saying you missed something is an understatement!

Today in class, a member of our class presented me with a package, with a label on the outside that said "Deal With It". Inside the package was the large women's underwear that you see in the photo. You see, this person has said before in class..."sometimes you just have to put your big girl panties on". When it comes to having faith, even in the hard times, the scary times, the darkest of all times...I can say with all sincerity, she walks the walk.

As part of dealing with it, I decided to put the letters that spell "FAITH" across the backside. Yeah, that works. Some girls wear shorts that say "Cheer" or "Dance" on the back...but I think I'll stick with this.

Today I showed an extremely cheesy, horrible quality video slideshow of the Owen family, from mine and Lez's first years of marriage, through one kid, then two kids, three different houses, three dogs, too many beta fish to remember, and as Lezlee noted, a lot of vacations (basically we only take pictures when on vacation...other than vacations there is actually no real proof that our children even exist). Well, I did this because I wanted everyone to see that as we go thru life, we face so many different situations. In these times, we can choose to either "LIVE BY FAITH" or, as I called it, "LIVE BY SELF" (i.e. being guided by our own thoughts and desires). While I think its fair to say that Lez and I didn't always live by faith, especially in those early years, I am thankful that God has not only protected us, but has shown us the true blessings of trusting HIM in life's situations...that is, living by faith. I've found NOTHING more rewarding in life.

I passed out some questions which I hope you'll consider for next week. I'd love to hear about things you've faced in your life. Times you've either lived by faith, or lived by self...and what God has shown you in each. You see, we're not going to get it right everytime. The key is, remembering those times when we actually do get it right and live by faith...and how blessed we are from it!

Assuming I'm still allowed to teach, I'll see you next week. Hold on...Brother Chuck's on the phone...wonder what he could want

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