Friday, March 13, 2009


Forgiveness! Something about that word is just hard for me. I never thought forgiveness was an issue for me until a couple of years ago. I don't get mad at the person that cuts me off on the interstate and let it ruin my day. I let it go when someone jumps in front of me in the grocery store line. I've even gotten pretty good at quickly forgiving my husband and not holding a grudge.

However, there was one person in my life that I just didn't want to forgive, and that unfortunately caused me to sin on almost a daily basis before I even got out of bed in the mornings!

This person happens to be a family member, and as much as I hate to admit that it gets to me, she hurts me almost every time we speak. We don't always get to choose who is a part of our lives, so sometimes we have to deal with the situation, make the most of it, and look for how God can use it to make us more like Him.

By dealing with this situation in my life, God has taught me a lot about forgiveness!

Unforgiveness is a prison. You imprison the people that you don't forgive, but you also imprison yourself. There is no escape from unforgiveness. Until you let go of the hurt and allow God to free you from the pain, you will be held captive. It takes hold of your thoughts and can consume you. However, God tells us to "Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay' says the Lord." Romans 12:19

Once I learned to let it go and to truly let God deal with this person, I became free. Instead of trying to figure out what my next comeback was going to be, how I could hurt her as badly as she had hurt me, or see how long I could avoid family get-togethers as to not see her, I was finally able to pray for her, release my anger, and genuinely hope that the Lord would change her heart.

If there is someone in your life (a friend, a family member, or even a spouse) that has hurt you and you feel as though you just can't forgive them, remember that you are not hurting them with your unforgiveness, it is only destroying you and maybe even your relationship with God. Even if they do not deserve your forgiveness, God has asked that you keep "no record of wrongs" (1 Corinthians 13:5). You will be amazed at the load that is lifted from your shoulders and the freedom that comes from letting go! It's a choice. Today, choose to forgive!

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