Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Super Bowl Party at our house!!

As part of my attempts to recover from the recent Titans loss, we'll be hosting a Super Bowl party at our house, Sunday Feb 1, at 5pm. Kids are welcome.

Add a comment to this post letting us know if you can attend and what you'd like to bring!

We'll also pass around a sign up sheet next week in class.

Hope you can make it. I may decide to just show a replay of the Titans vs. Steelers game from Dec 21st instead though (just kidding).


  1. Party Food:
    Kemp - Seven Layer Dip/Chips
    Yoder - Hot Wings
    Allen - Cookies
    Barlow - Pineapple/Cherry Cake
    Gore - Turtle Cake

  2. Neal - Sandwich Tray
