Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Don't give up! You've worked too hard..."

This past weekend was a memorable experience for me as I traveled with a group of friends to Chicago to run the Chicago Marathon. This was my third marathon so far and each one has seemed to bring unique challenges both during the training leading up to the race as well as race day...and this was no exception.

First of all, I was overwhelmed by the size of the city and its beloved marathon race. With over 45,000 participants and spectators lining the streets for most every bit of the 26.2 mile is difficult to describe what it was like. I don't think there was ever a time during the race that I was not "heel to toe" with other poeple...dodging in and out of runner traffic...a sea of runners ahead of me, behind me, and all around me.

Just getting to the race itself presented some challenges...the weather was an unexpected 30 degrees at start (not bad though...certainly better than running in the heat), our hotel was 1.3 miles from the start and cabs could not get down there. Also, the starting line was so crowded by the time we arrived, we wound up climbing a fence just to stand shoulder to shoulder with a street packed full of runners in the starting corral.

Up until about 3 weeks before the race, I had been preparing myself well and quite frankly had several long training runs that went off without a hitch. I was poised for a strong marathon run ahead. Then, on my last long run before Chicago, I experience a foot injury. I went from being told by my doctor that I might be on crutches for 8 weeks to getting MRI results that led him to say I could "go try, but it was a longshot I would finish". I did have over 2 and half weeks to let it heal...the problem was NO RUNNING. I've not seen many marathon training plans that say COMPLETELY STOP RUNNING 3 weeks before the race (maybe I should write a book called "The Extreme Taper"). Anyway, I rode my bike a lot but my legs no doubt began to adjust to their new "no pounding" life.

I thought about a short run a few days before the race, but chickened out in the end...figuring I'd rather not find out until I was already up there and going.

I went into the race saying two things....1) just finishing would be an awesome privilege given my foot injury and 2) if I did finish...anything quicker than 4 hours would be great.

Well, for the first half of the race, things went great. I felt great...didnt run too hard but still had a good strong pace. I finished the first half (13.1 miles) in 1:52 minutes...on pace for a 3:40:00 or so marathon! No foot pain! As I kept going, I started going a bit faster...feeling good still. Then, around mile all just fell apart. I have no idea why, but for some reason, my legs simply locked up. I had cramps in my quads, calves, and basically everywhere. I tried for several miles to run through it, but things just kept getting worse. I stopped about 3 or 4 times trying to stretch, but couldnt even get my legs to stretch at all. One one of the last stretch stops, I walked over to the side and started looking around for the "assistance areas"...I was, in my mind, debating whether or not I would QUIT. It was about mile 23. As I'm standing there on the side, facing my moment of truth, one of the many spectators from the side comes up to me, looks me in the eye and she says..."don't give've worked too hard". Now I have no idea why she would take the time to come over and say that to me...better yet, why she or any of those other people take the time to come out and cheer for people running through the streets. Needless to say, I limped back in...running very slow and hating how it felt, but overall finishing the race and accomplishing the two goals I stated above. My finish time was 3 hrs 48 min...12 min ahead of what I said I would be happy with. Yet, since I finished so poorly, I was anything but happy.

As I've spent the last few days learning to walk again (ha ha), I have also been reminded of Hebrews 12:1-2. I think about all those people lined on the streets of Chicago (not like they knew who I was or anything)...and I think about this one person who took the time to stop by and say those words of encouragement to me. I think about my group of friends that I went with and how we encouraged one another.

You see, I think we often forget that we have a "great cloud of witnesses" all around us. I think we often face struggles in our Christian walks where we, just like I did, start looking around for the "assistance areas"...that's right...maybe even to quit. The difference our Christian lives, we may not always fully see or realize the great cloud of witnesses. We may not always even fully grasp who is encouraging us OR who we may be an encouragement to. You never know just who may be on the virge of quiting the race, until you offer encouragement to ways that you might not even realize. I know, it's not easy running this race, and sometimes we feel tired, weary, and, to keep the analogy going, we hurt all over. But remember, no matter what you're faced matter how you might Hebrews 12:2, reflect on the cloud of witnesses around you and DON'T GIVE UP! YOU'VE WORKED TOO HARD...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Get that weak stuff outta here...

This week we studied God’s Holiness. Before reading this any further, take a moment to read Isaiah 6:1-7 (click the link to read it) and then come back here.

Can you imagine what it would be like to in the presence of the Holy God? Our minds cannot fathom it! And when you do reflect on God’s holiness, how does that make you feel? (If you’re an old dude like me, you might remember Wayne and Garth from SNL’s Wayne’s World…where they said “We’re not worthy”).

When we think about being “Holy” (defined as being set apart…righteous), we often find ourselves feeling overwhelmed. Thoughts like…”I could never measure up to God’s holiness”…which often leads us to “why even bother?” Faced with this overwhelming sense of guilt, we often choose to turn instead to more “happy thoughts” and, quite frankly, rarely like to focus on God’s holiness.

Instead, I’m here today to say we should be humbled in a positive way. Understanding God’s holiness should lead us to a clear understanding, realization, and admittance of our own sinfulness. But it should also provide the blueprint for what we should strive for in our lives. 1 Peter 1:13-16 tells us “…to be Holy as He is Holy”. Does that mean we won’t sin? Does that mean we can be perfect as He is? By no means! But, we can know that, as followers of Christ, we have been set apart…and equipped…to be a light to grow more like Him.

Also, reflecting on God’s holiness can shed some true light on some of the lame excuses we give to God each and every day for not following His will. As an example, if I (5’6” tall, kinda) dribbled a basketball, into the lane, and tried a layup on Shaquille O’Neal…he’d probably say “get that weak stuff outta here”, perhaps even a few different word choices, as he swatted my shot attempt into the seats. I often wonder if God says that about some of the lame excuses we use to convince ourselves its okay to follow our will, instead of His will. I know…you, like me, have just been “too busy” lately for those “God things”. I have made a conscious effort lately to NEVER use that phrase again…who among us is not “too busy” these days? But know this…if something is a priority to us…we find a way…we find the time to get it done. But hey, that’s another blog…for another blog day.

The point is this, go back to that scripture from Isaiah and imagine yourself in the throne room of God and literally telling God some of the things we tell ourselves in our minds when faced with following His will in our lives. Whether it’s going to Church or SS, talking to a friend about salvation, making better choices in our lives…whatever our moment of decision may be. Imagine saying out loud to a HOLY God, those thoughts we often tell ourselves.

Next time you find yourself on the fence about obeying God’s will, reflect on His holiness…and “get that weak stuff outta here”.

Room 127 Insider Tip:

A few weeks back, we talked in class about two types of fish in my daughter’s fish tank…Zebra Danios, that tend to stay at the top of the tank…and Pepper Catfish, that swim in the deeper waters at the bottom. The question I asked you was this…are you willing to swim in the deep waters for God, or do you want to stay at the top where things are safe and comfortable? You may have found yourself faced with various thoughts, and maybe even coming up with some excuses, when considering this question for yourself. I wonder if reflecting on God’s holiness, as we have learned from this study, can help you make your “fish choice”?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

To Stand Strong is to have a Strong House

As I was reading today, God impressed this passage to me: Proverbs 24:3-4. When a house is built, we lay a foundation, a strong foundation that will ensure a strong as I read this passage, the message I receive from it is as God is building my spiritual body and mind with his good and faithful words, so to should my household be built strong by my devotion to God's words and filling my soul on HIS word. As HIS word is filled my attitude, my actions, my speaking to my family, not to just my children, it "shows" how God is influencing the Holy Spirit to "mold" my family into what God wants for them and me.

I have felt very "influenced" by what God has been accomplishing in my life here lately...well I guess I really need to say is that ever since I "enrolled" myself into the study "Experiencing GOD" lead by Andy, I have experienced GOD! In fact, I just have to share the following email I sent to the Kevin...
(I'm writing this to Kevin) selfish with my time instead of being on God's time...listening to the ole devil just fill my ears full of things to do OTHER than what I should be doing with God's word...I have been having a hard time with this devotional, every time I get going and really HOT ON TRACK with God, praying, reading, feeling good praising his name, thanking him for my blessing I don't deserve....then BANG!! Stupid devil! I had a moment last week were I was really feeling down, then finally the great and forever Holy Spirit took over me and NAILED the devil in his tracks! WOOOHOO!! I felt like I was laying on the ground with all these arrows stuck in me and there was the Holy Spirit standing in front of me pointing his fingers at the devil telling him to BACK OFF! This is one of ours! If you think you can even remotely think that you can steal him from us, then you’re WRONG! I'm telling you Kevin, I have never felt ANYTHING like that before! So there the Holy Spirit was, just kicking the devil right in front of me! (Here I was driving down the road; I could barely keep my eyes dry for the love I was feeling from the Trinity!) I just can't get over that feeling every time I talk about it…

So as you can see, and I will say it again, "I have never felt something like this in my life, THIS STRONG!" I hope that you can see, GOD LOVES US IMMENSELY! HE PROTECTS US AND GUIDES US! Don't forget that when you fall, because we all fall, Romans 3:23 and I fall, but God renews our soul, washes us clean and sets everything back if you’re wondering, I have been doing some serious foundation repair work…see you Sunday!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ALL who are thirsty...

Just to wet your appetite (no pun intented for what's to follow) for our upcoming Gripped study, I'm thinking today about an amazing passage we find in Isaiah 55:1-3 (click the link to read it).

I know when I am running, NOTHING can quench my thirst like water. Even sports drinks like gatorade seem to make me even more thirsty! What do we learn from this passage? ANYONE who is thirsty can come to God and have their eternal thirst QUENCHED. And for what cost? NOTHING...without money and without cost!

So why do we "spend money on what is not bread"? or "labor on what does not satisy"?

If you're like me, you get "thirsty" quite often and time after time you reach for something MUCH LESS than God's ETERNAL WATER. Yet, nothing ever satisfies. Nothing. I don't know about you, but "your soul will delight in the richest of fare" sounds pretty good to me. Better than most of what I find on my own.

I have tucked these verses away and plan to keep them quite handy. Next time I find myself thirsty, I'm headed for some water. And oh yeah, they'll be plenty of water available this Sunday in room 127 as always.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Born Again

This coming week our SS class gets the privilege of witnessing one of our very own experience the public profession of faith known as baptism! What a great day that will be!

Take a moment and listen to the Third Day song Born Again (click on the triangle in the "Songs of the Week" section on the right).

Whether you're in line to experience baptism for the very first time or, like me, you just sometimes find yourself a little too far from home, isnt it great to know that being born again is just a "call" away? What about you find yourself needing a ride home? Make the call...

BTW, Way to go Jay!


The following info is from one of our classmates...thanks Lisa!

This week, we started a new study called "Gripped by the Greatness of God" by James MacDonald. Wow, the title says it all. We started the first lesson by watching the video. Next week we will have dicussion about it. For those that was not there, I wanted to just give you an overview of what he discussed and some scriptures that you can read during the week. The lesson that we are about to enter into, he asked three questions.

1. Who is Isaiah?
Isaiah 9:6, 7:14 and 53:4

2. What does it mean to be gripped by God?
Isaiah 6:5, Luke 5:8 and Revelation 1:10

3. How will this affect my Life?
Ephesians 2:1, 1Corinthians 2:4, Romans 3:10-11, 2Corinthians 5:17

He also taked about phsyical being and your soul. Meaning that your soul lives on forever and how your spirit is made up of three things: Mind, Emotions, and will. With his teaching this lesson will transform you at every level.

Are you ready to be gripped? See you Sunday!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Again

Here's what I'm thinking about this week... Press the triangle on the playlist to the right and hear the song of the week. If you've never heard it, you'll be moved and well prepared for this special weekend.

Friday, March 13, 2009

May Your voice be louder

I was listening to a song today and realized how well the lyrics conveyed the message we've studied recently about hearing from God. If you want a quick devotion that is as simple as it gets...listen to the song "Full Attention" by Jeremy Riddle. I've made it easy...simply click the "triangle" play button on the playlist to the right. Before you do, you can even open up the lyrics to the song in a new browser window by clicking here .

Wow, what a prayer that could be for us to simply ask:

May Your voice be louder
May Your voice be clearer
Than all the others in my life


Forgiveness! Something about that word is just hard for me. I never thought forgiveness was an issue for me until a couple of years ago. I don't get mad at the person that cuts me off on the interstate and let it ruin my day. I let it go when someone jumps in front of me in the grocery store line. I've even gotten pretty good at quickly forgiving my husband and not holding a grudge.

However, there was one person in my life that I just didn't want to forgive, and that unfortunately caused me to sin on almost a daily basis before I even got out of bed in the mornings!

This person happens to be a family member, and as much as I hate to admit that it gets to me, she hurts me almost every time we speak. We don't always get to choose who is a part of our lives, so sometimes we have to deal with the situation, make the most of it, and look for how God can use it to make us more like Him.

By dealing with this situation in my life, God has taught me a lot about forgiveness!

Unforgiveness is a prison. You imprison the people that you don't forgive, but you also imprison yourself. There is no escape from unforgiveness. Until you let go of the hurt and allow God to free you from the pain, you will be held captive. It takes hold of your thoughts and can consume you. However, God tells us to "Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay' says the Lord." Romans 12:19

Once I learned to let it go and to truly let God deal with this person, I became free. Instead of trying to figure out what my next comeback was going to be, how I could hurt her as badly as she had hurt me, or see how long I could avoid family get-togethers as to not see her, I was finally able to pray for her, release my anger, and genuinely hope that the Lord would change her heart.

If there is someone in your life (a friend, a family member, or even a spouse) that has hurt you and you feel as though you just can't forgive them, remember that you are not hurting them with your unforgiveness, it is only destroying you and maybe even your relationship with God. Even if they do not deserve your forgiveness, God has asked that you keep "no record of wrongs" (1 Corinthians 13:5). You will be amazed at the load that is lifted from your shoulders and the freedom that comes from letting go! It's a choice. Today, choose to forgive!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Invitation to My Pity Party

This week we continued our discussion of the recent and truly impactful revelation that God has presented our class related to his "still small voice" from 1 Kings 19.

Perhaps the biggest thing we need to see here is to understand Elijah's state of being at this time. Basically, he is a tired, burn out, frustrated man. He has been used by God and been clearly spoken to by God in so many ways. He's been through a lot. He spoke the truth to the wicked King Ahab about worshiping idols and God's resulting famine. He took on the 450 prophets of Baal and showed them the one true God and even slew them in the process. And now, he is literally running for his life from the wicked Jezebel. He even prayed that God would take his life! "I have had enough, Lord" (verse 4). He goes to a cave to spend the night. In verse 11, the Lord tells Elijah to go stand out on the mountain, "for the Lord is about to pass by".

Can you imagine, you're so burn out that you've prayed for God to end your life, and now he says come outside and I'll "be right over"? What expectations would you have for how God would reveal himself and for what he would do?

Then came a great and powerful wind...of course, that's God right? Nope, not the earthquake either...not even the fire. God was in the "still small voice"...the "gentle whisper".

But here's where it gets real verse 13 God says to Elijah basically..."what's the deal?"..."what's your problem?". Notice Elijah's response in verse 14..."I've done everything you've asked... I'm the ONLY ONE who's been faithful...and look where it's gotten me...I'm running for my life!".

Sound familiar to you? Have you ever said "why am I the only one doing everything for God?". Or how about this one..."why is it that only a few people do all the work around here?". I think we've all felt it or said it at one point or another. Notice 2 things about God's repsonse in verses 15-18...God tells Elijah:

1) I have a plan...keep following me by doing these things and you'll see the plan I have for you...and 2) Hate to tell you, but you're NOT the ONLY one that is faithful...I have reserved "7,000 in Israel...ALL who have not bowed to the false prophet Baal".

You see, we definitely learned from this passage that God will often times present himself to us as a "still small voice" rather than the wind, earthquake or fire. But we should also learn that even when we've reached the point of frustration on our faith journey, that God IS in control...He DOES have a plan for us. And when Satan's lies are telling us things like "we're the only one faithful"...don't believe it! God has reserved "7,000 others" that are faithful and all around us to help us on our faith journey. Pray to God that he would reveal them to you.

So turn out the lights on the pity party!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

“God is never late, but he misses a few good opportunities to be early.”

Sometimes we get so fixated on the “thing” we are waiting on from God and the “thing” can be a fill in the blank. God I want ______ or I need ______ or help me with ______. Then we sit back and do what …wait. Do we really wait? Are you good at waiting? More than likely if you are like me I am waiting on God to do the thing that I asked for and I am not happy to WAIT. I want it now. I immediately (and I mean before I say Amen) start to look for the “thing”. I may even have a backup plan if I don’t like God’s answer or if I think that he is moving to slow. Am I speaking to anybody here? I have been studying Esther in a women’s Bible study on Sunday nights and I had a revelation or light bulb moment as I like to call it. We where in Chapter 5 of Esther and we were at the part where Esther has prepared a banquet for King Xerxes and Haman. The King asks her “Now what is you petition? It will be given you. And what is your request? Even up to half the kingdom it will be granted.” Esther 5:6. OK, now you have to understand that she has been fasting and praying for 3 days for God to deliver her people, the Jews, from their annihilation. The King has just asked her to tell him what she wants and it will be given to her “up to half the kingdom”. She doesn’t ask she WAITS until the next day at another banquet she prepares for the King and Haman. What was she thinking? Mordecai had come to her and asked her to go to the King on behalf of the Jews and beg for their lives. She has been praying and fasting for 3 days for the "thing". She has the opportunity in front of her and she WAITS. Oh, to be like Esther and wait on the Lord. You see if she had not waited the outcome would have been very different because even though Esther was ready King Xerxes was not. God had a sleepless night planned for him. (Esther 6)

“God is never late, but he misses a few good opportunities to be early. But, oh, the wisdom of God to know that if the answer comes to early we’d miss His greatest act.” I don’t know about you but I want to experience His greatest. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD Ps 27:14. So instead of waiting on the “thing” turn your focus and wait on the LORD. Wait on his good and perfect timing. He has a plan and it is so much bigger and better than you could even imagine. Wait on God to work the "thing" out.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh, Be Joyful~

This week I have had alot on my heart as I have really been able to relate to the 1 Kings 19:11-12...It's amazing how we do not see God until after the wind, earthquakes & fire. Our faith is being perfected through those times. As I was thinking and praying over something specific in my own journey, a friend of mine, shared with me an insert from a Beth Moore study dealing with faith. So many times we get caught up in the 'what ifs.' We get hung up on things like, 'What if this happens' or 'what if I never get this....' She mentions that "IF" stands for 'I FEAR.' This struck me as very real. How many times do we hear that? ALOT. That is the beginning of a lie right from the pit of you know where. The most critical breakthrough of faith you and I could ever experience is to let God bring us to a place where we trust Him-period. We don't just trust Him to let us avoid what we fear the most. We determine to trust Him NO MATTER WHAT, even if our worst nightmare comes true. Satan has no authority over us when we come to that point. I just wept when I read her insert. It feels so good to be at a place where I am totally satisfied in Him. To know that nothing ELSE satisfies or quenches a thirst only He can quench. So, that being said- the Lord gave me this verse to share this week and I am rejoicing:

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed . Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1:6-9

Isn't that awesome? Oh, how I lost it in the ugly cry after reading this over and over. I had to share. This is my 'wilderness verse.' Hope it touches you too!

Monday, March 2, 2009

still small voice...

Wow! It's hard to describe how amazed, excited, inspired, and well just overall pumped I was from our class this week! So many people shared thoughts and experiences related to "living by faith" and I learned so much during that time. I'm so thankful to be a part of such an amazing group of people, committed to God! The phrase "turning a corner" comes to my mind when I think of us as a class. I find myself anxious to see what God does next. Is it Sunday yet?

As we closed, I introduced a scripture reference that we'll be discussing next week. In 1 Kings 19:11-12 , we are given a glimpse as to what I believe to be a key element of our faith when it comes to listening to God. Do you find it interesting that in this scripture, Elijah doesn't "find" God in the loud, obvious, "cut and dry" manner that we so often expect and/or hope for? This scripture tells us that God "was not in" the wind, an earthquake, or a fire. No Elijah found God after all a "still small voice".

If you get a chance, take a look at Elijah's experiences in 1 Kings chapters 16, 17, and 18. We'll talk about all the things Elijah had been through and the signifigance of this "still small voice".

See you soon! KO

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Prodigal...Friend

Today I was listening to Nichole Nordeman's song "Lay It Down", which is based upon the story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15:11-32. If you've never heard the song, you can listen to it online by clicking here....or, if that doesnt work for you, the lyrics to the song are here.

It's been some time ago, but we studied this scripture one time in class at which time I made the reference to the old Tom Bodett commercials for Motel 6...where he always said "We'll leave the light on for you" (a slogan still on the Motel 6 website today by the way). That's just the way it is with God...he will ALWAYS leave the light on for YOU.

Not sure why, but I started thinking about recent discussions we've had in class about Facebook and how since getting on FB, I've had contact with so many "long lost" friends from high school, college, and beyond that I havent heard from in years. I know we've discussed how FB can be a bad thing (if you spend too much time on there and neglect your family for instance), but I also thought about how since joining, I've:

  • discussed /recommended my Church to a friend of a friend who just moved to town

  • traded numerous messages with people about prayer life and God's working in our lives

  • Praised God via my "status message"

  • Let my Faith in God be known on "my wall"

  • joined the group "bet I can find 10,000 Christians on FB"

See, it's much like a lot of things in our is what we make it and God can and will use it to further his Kingdom, whether we choose to be a part of it or not.

So here's my question to you...listen to "Lay It Down" (or read the lyrics). Is there a "friend" on FB that needs to hear how Jesus Christ has changed your life? Look at your "friend count" next time you login. Out of all those people, wanna bet there's at least one that feels like they're "carrying the weight of most the world" and they'd like to "come back home"? I'm not saying you have to shove it down everyone's throats, but hey...have you thought about things like:

  • Set your status message to something that says "Kevin is always amazed by God" or "Kevin is praying BIG" (you might use your name instead)

  • Put info in your profile that let's people know about your faith. They might ask you about it.

  • You can even set your "website" in your FB profile to be the link to this blog!

Regardless, you get the idea. If you're not on FB, the analogy still works...let your faith be known to those you come in contact with every day. In even the smallest and most "normal" of situations. You never know, you might help bring a long lost prodigal friend home to our Risen Savior.

And finally, go back thru the story in Luke 15. When the prodigal son came home, the father didn't just give him a hug or shout to tell a friend...he threw an unbelievably HUGE party...because the son "who was dead is now alive". Get a sense of what's at stake? KO

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see!
For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Sometimes I'm sad. I know not why
My heart is sore distressed;
It seems the burdens of this world
Have settled on my heart.
And yet I know..I know that God
Who doeth all things right
Will lead me thus to understand
To walk by FAITH ...not sight.
And though I may not see the way
He's planned for me to go...
That way seems dark to me just now
But oh, I'm sure HE knows!
Today He guides my feeble step
Tomorrow's in His right...
He has asked me to never fear...
But walk by FAITH, not sight.
Some day the mists will roll away,
The sun will shine again.
I'll see the beauty in the flowers.
I'll hear the bird's refrain.
And then I'll know my Father's hand
Has led the way to light
Because I placed my hand in HIS
And walked by FAITH, not sight.

Poem by Ruth A. Morgan
God's Little Devotional Book for Women

Monday, February 23, 2009

Walking through the Wilderness

Ok, so: It’s no secret. I’m walking through this valley called the ‘Wilderness’- Most of you know right were I stand and I’m not pretending anymore to act like I’m not hurting. It’s hard for me. I’m supposed to be the one who helps everyone else. The one who is not allowed to hurt because I’m so head over hills for Jesus. You can’t possibly travel this road when you love the Lord this much. It’s just not fair. Yep, that’s right where I’ve been. The closer I get to Jesus, the harder the attack. The bigger the lies and you guessed it- The harder you fall. The last 11 months have been horrible as we have tried to start a family. Well, the first 6 wasn’t that bad until October when my only grandfather died, I mis-carried our first baby, and my father-in-law had a stroke ALL within 1 week. Wow. One week.

What do I do now? Do I just pick myself up and move on or allow myself to be consumed by Satan’s lies that God has totally forgotten about me? Do I believe that God is punishing me? Do I believe that He doesn’t care that I am hurting this badly? God, where are you? Why are you letting this happen? I know, Lord, I have been praying to grow in you for the last year but I DON’T WANT TO GO THROUGH ANYTHING THAT HURTS, ESPECIALLY TO THIS EXTENT. I cannot even begin to tell you how Satan has tormented me. How he has made me feel so inadequate in every way. You know what? That is his specialty. Look at what he did to Jesus when he was in the wilderness. He chose to tempt him there. Satan is not new to this. How do you think he has made me feel? Do you know how Satan has used everyone else’s blessings to make me feel alone, and abandoned and inadequate? He’s great at it. Well, he WAS that is until my blinders flew off. For the last few weeks, I have been praying for Peace. The kind that is above anything I can even comprehend. God is allowing me to see what is happening here. He is showing me what He is doing. He is building me up for something incredible. It’s an everyday thing. I wake up and have an AMAZING time with the Lord-- A time of utter praise and peace and joy. Then, REALITY. Off to work and into the world. One minute I'm fine, next minute back in the wilderness. I can literally end up in the wilderness and NEVER even knew I left the city. Satan is relentless. He doesn’t let up. He is really starting to get pretty predictable quite honestly. It’s amazing the mornings God blesses me through conversation with Him are the days I get attacked the worst. I mean you can just bet on it. It’s been a journey. One that I pray I can use to further His kingdom. It’s not over. I love the Lord so much. I know better than to believe the Father of Lies. Everyone has a wilderness. If you’re not in it, BRACE YOURSELF. It’s coming. You can choose to believe all the lies or you can choose to seek shelter in a storm. I can’t imagine running into the ocean when a hurricane is coming, but people do it everyday. In the mean time, I have to keep my head up and pray my way through it. It hurts and the tears fall every day, but I know MY God is not doing this to me, but FOR me. I don’t yet understand it all. I do know that faith is not thinking He can, but knowing He will. I am trying to rejoice in my suffering knowing that He is perfecting me. For we know, perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18) I can come through this bitter or better. I can run away or to Him. I’m choosing to rest. To rest in the fact that God loves me enough to use me. I feel almost honored that he knows I will not crumble. I feel like Job. I’m going to act like Job. That doesn’t mean it’s not hard. It’s awful. But I’m not doing this alone. Praise to his Holy Name!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dealt With!

Well, I always believe that if you miss SS class not only are you missed, but you also miss something as well. If you weren't in class today...saying you missed something is an understatement!

Today in class, a member of our class presented me with a package, with a label on the outside that said "Deal With It". Inside the package was the large women's underwear that you see in the photo. You see, this person has said before in class..."sometimes you just have to put your big girl panties on". When it comes to having faith, even in the hard times, the scary times, the darkest of all times...I can say with all sincerity, she walks the walk.

As part of dealing with it, I decided to put the letters that spell "FAITH" across the backside. Yeah, that works. Some girls wear shorts that say "Cheer" or "Dance" on the back...but I think I'll stick with this.

Today I showed an extremely cheesy, horrible quality video slideshow of the Owen family, from mine and Lez's first years of marriage, through one kid, then two kids, three different houses, three dogs, too many beta fish to remember, and as Lezlee noted, a lot of vacations (basically we only take pictures when on vacation...other than vacations there is actually no real proof that our children even exist). Well, I did this because I wanted everyone to see that as we go thru life, we face so many different situations. In these times, we can choose to either "LIVE BY FAITH" or, as I called it, "LIVE BY SELF" (i.e. being guided by our own thoughts and desires). While I think its fair to say that Lez and I didn't always live by faith, especially in those early years, I am thankful that God has not only protected us, but has shown us the true blessings of trusting HIM in life's situations...that is, living by faith. I've found NOTHING more rewarding in life.

I passed out some questions which I hope you'll consider for next week. I'd love to hear about things you've faced in your life. Times you've either lived by faith, or lived by self...and what God has shown you in each. You see, we're not going to get it right everytime. The key is, remembering those times when we actually do get it right and live by faith...and how blessed we are from it!

Assuming I'm still allowed to teach, I'll see you next week. Hold on...Brother Chuck's on the phone...wonder what he could want

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I don't know why, but...

This posting is a bit of a follow up to the one below. Today, when pedaling my bicycle against 20 mph winds there's some things I just couldnt get out of my head related to the marathon example below. Back in November of this past year, I decided that I was going to train to run the Country Music Marathon on April 25, 2009. Since doing my first one in 2006, I had trained for one in 2008 but got hurt before I could do it. However, that's because I was running too fast and didn't train smart. This year, I decided to run slower and train smarter and was happily on my way. I even found some friends who were training to run their first marathon and we began running together, and I was grateful to have friends to run with. I was running slower and feeling great...not even some of the normal nagging issues I can get when running a lot of miles.

In early January, in one of the most freakish scenarios I could ever imagine, I severly hurt my left knee during a run. My doctor told me that while it could take up to 8 weeks to heal, he felt I would probably heal quicker and could run again in 2-3 weeks. Well, after sitting out for 3 weeks, I tried running again and found myself back to square one with unbelievable pain in my knee. Another 2 weeks and I tried again...same result. Basically, I had no shot at running the marathon in April. Meanwhile, my friends are doing great. They did a 20 mile run this weekend and are well on their way. I'm very happy for them, but must admit, I'm very disappointed that I'm not with them. Every time I talk to them about it, I have to admit it bothers me. I just cant help it.

As part of dealing with my disappointment, I decided I would start riding my bike again and train for a race called the "3 state 3 mountain challenge" be held in Chatanooga the week after the marathon. I even called a friend of mine, an avid cyclist, to see if he'd join me. He said he'd love to, but that he'd decided to train to run the Marathon and since that's the week before, could not do both. His training is going well and he's well on his way to doing his first marathon. I've also got two co workers who are also training to run the marathon in April, a first for both of them.

It's funny, last year pretty much everyone I talked to said I was crazy for trying to run a full marathon, and I never came close to having friends to train with me. This year, it seems everytime I turn around someone I know is well on their way to doing what I desperately want to do myself, but cannot.

Why did God decide not to allow me to do this? Why are so many people around me able to do something I cannot? Honestly, I don't know, but...I do know this: God is doing something here...something for my good... and, one of these days, I'll get to see what it is. In the meantime, I'll just keep pedaling against the wind and I'll cheer for and encourage my friends.


"Let's go in together..."

Today in our class we continued our study on The Full Armor of God by talking about the "shield of faith". How would our lives be different if, in every situation, we fully trusted and believed in God to protect us, no matter what? What if we faced every single day with the complete confidence that God was there for us and would in every way provide for our good? In other words, what if we had absolute, everyday, unwavering, PERFECT FAITH?

I think no matter our situation, no matter what life brings us, we all face one or more times in our lives where we struggle with our faith. Sure, we believe in God...but like they say, do we really BELIEVE GOD? Like everything else in life, even our faith gets tested. So why can't we have perfect faith?

First of all, let me say that nothing else about us is perfect, so why should our faith be? Once again, we try to do things all on our own, even our faith, and then get frustrated when we fall short. Secondly, Hebrews 12:2, tells us that Jesus is the "author and perfecter of our faith". Like everything else, our faith is dependent on our ability to fully rely and trust in God AND WE CANNOT do it on our own. In fact, we looked at Mark 9:23-24, where a man, when told by Jesus that "everything is possible for him who believes"...simply replied "help me overcome my unbelief!". Sometimes we just need to pray for God to help us with our faith!

Since my role seems to be to provide silly examples, I gave the illustration this morning of one of the hardest physical challenges I've ever faced. Three years ago this week, I ran my first (and only thus far) marathon. As I got to about mile 23, I was (to say the least) exhausted, hurting EVERYWHERE, and not sure I would be able to finish. A guy who had been a little bit in front of me for some time, waited for me to get up to him and said to me "Let's go in together". He proceeded to talk to me (as much as talking is possible at that point) about this being his third marathon and how the ending is just this way and that we'd make it together. Yeah, I made it across the finish line.

To me, that is like my Savior, who has run the ultimate race and paid the ultimate price for every person who ever has and ever will step foot on this earth. He is there for me even when all I have left in me is a simple prayer for my unbelief! No matter where I am, he'll always say "Let's go in together".

Peace out.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This was provided by a member of our class...thanks!

Malachi 3:3 says:

'He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.'

This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God.

One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.

That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver.

As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says:
'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.'
She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined.

The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, 'How do you know when the silver is fully refined?'

He smiled at her and answered, 'Oh, that's easy --when I see my image in it.'

If today you are feeling the heat of the fire , remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Must be the shoes...

This week we continued our study on The Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20) by talking about having our "feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace" (verse 15). Since we're fitting our feet, we'll call these our Battle Shoes.

So what is it about shoes? I know one person that has over 90 pair of shoes! My 5 yr old son basically has 2 pair...his tennis shoes covering approx 99.5% of his life and his "stompin' shoes" which we occasionaly can get him to wear to Church.

So what benefits do shoes provide?

Performance ("I can run fast in my new shoes")

Ever run to the mailbox on an aggregate driveway with no shoes? Ouch!

But what does it mean that these come from the "gospel of peace"? Well, we get our peace through Jesus. Check this out...Romans 5:1-2

So it sounds to me as if in order to put on our battle shoes, we need to find peace in our lives. The question is, how do we find peace in our lives?

1) Choose Him - we're always seeking peace in so many other things than God. We look for peace by pouring ourselves into our jobs, friends, money, hobbies/material things and then wind up disappointed when there is ultimately no peace. Putting on our battle shoes starts with choosing God in our lives. Like the bumper sticker says: No Jesus No Peace. Know Jesus Know Peace.

2) His Word - remember, the belt of truth we talked about? (see Warrior Bugs post). Take a look at Psalm 119:165. That's right, the Bible brings us peace!

If you're like me, you may be saying..."I try hard to put God first and I often read and study the Bible...but I still don't always have peace". Why is it that there are times in our lives when we can't find peace? Why is it that sometimes we feel as though God is nowhere around? Honestly, I don't know. But I do know that there is one more source of peace that we need to add to this list...a word that ultimately determines our peace...

3) Faith - probably the best way for us to understand faith is given to us in Hebrews 11:1. Notice the key phrase here..."evidence of things not seen". Quite frankly, it doesn't take a lot of faith for me to say I believe something that I've already witnessed. Sometimes that's where it is for us as Christians...we don't know why things are the way they are...why we feel the way we do...why we don't have the answers...why we don't know what the future holds. Sometimes OUR FAITH is all we have...and all we need!

Think of FAITH as the "shoe horn" that helps you get your battle shoes on...even on days when it feels like they just won't quite go on.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sweetly Broken...

This continues to be one of my favorite songs...not sure why, but I just felt like posting a link to the vid.

Sweetly Broken

Does this speak to you? Let me know...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Just reading that title often brings to mind thoughts of wonder and uncertainty. Unfortunately, if you're like me right now, the word "tomorrow" is even tougher to handle now than ever before. I bring up this word beause I recently re-heard one of my favorite sayings:

"I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow".

I've always liked that, and quite frankly, I'm not even sure of the author. I recently did something that is probably one part strange and one part cheesy (high on the "Velveeta meter" as I say). I printed this saying out and taped it up on the inside of the door that exits to the garage in our house. Why would I do that? Well, if you want to quit reading this right now you can just chalk it up to "he's weird"...but, here's my reasons:

1) That door is often one of the last places I see before going to bed at night. I'm typically locking up, etc and from there its off to bed...either for a good night's sleep, or, if I don't have my hope tied on straight, it could be for a sleepless know worrying about...dare I say..."tomorrow".

2) That door is also how I leave the house every day. As is often the case, when I'm late for work, wondering what awaits me that day.

See, the saying is kinda cool to me in that it's catchy and easy to remember. But what it really points me to is some words from my ultimate boss, found in Matthew 6:25-34.

Check it out here: Matthew 6:25-34

So what I'm ultimately saying here is this...that little piece of paper on the door is really a notch on my "belt of truth" and I'm "putting it on" a few times a day.

So what works for you?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Warrior Bugs" part 1

In the movie "A Bug's Life" an ant named Flik goes in search of some tough "warrior bugs" to help defend the ant colony against the evil grasshoppers. What Flik doesnt know is that these warrior bugs are really just some "circus bugs" that have just recently left their gig in the travelling circus.

As we talk about putting on the "Full Armor of God" (Ephesians 6:10-20) I've asked each of us whether we want to be "warrior bugs" or "circus bugs" when confronted with the multitude of attacks by Satan that we face on a daily basis. Silly, nonsensical example, I know, but hopefully by now you don't expect much more from me. Regardless, I hope that you'll join me in our quest to become "warrior bugs" for God...and here's how:

The first weapon that we've talked about comes from verse 14...the "Belt of Truth". Just like Roman soldiers back in Paul's day would put on a belt to secure their clothing and weapons, so we as Christians are instructed to put on the truth in our lives. So what is the "belt of truth" and how can it help me?

For my life, the truth is found in the Word of God. You know, that book that may be in the floor board of my car from last Sunday when I went to Church. Well, not if I'm putting on the belt of truth each day. So you ask, "how is the Bible a weapon?" Well, for starters it gives us:

1) Freedom - (John 8:31-32)
2) Power (Hebrews 4:12)
3) Knowledge and Wisdom to withstand temptation(Matthew 4:1-11)

So next time you're frustrated because you feel like you've been "clobbered" by the enemy...take a look around and ask yourself..."now where did I put that belt of truth?"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Super Bowl Party at our house!!

As part of my attempts to recover from the recent Titans loss, we'll be hosting a Super Bowl party at our house, Sunday Feb 1, at 5pm. Kids are welcome.

Add a comment to this post letting us know if you can attend and what you'd like to bring!

We'll also pass around a sign up sheet next week in class.

Hope you can make it. I may decide to just show a replay of the Titans vs. Steelers game from Dec 21st instead though (just kidding).

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The "Rebar Mailbox"

Last week we talked about a certain mailbox that I have recently seen along a rural road near my home. This mailbox has a protective layer of reinforcement bar (a.k.a. "rebar") used to cover the outer shell of the box.

I can only imagine the owners of this mailbox and the steps and events that may have led them to taking such drastic action. How many times did some thoughtless teenagers (yes, I know I'm generalizing and profiling, but stay with me a minute..) drive by late some night and smash in these people's mailbox with a baseball bat. How many times did the homeowner drive to the store, purchase a new mailbox, perhaps even having to get concrete and set a new post, and spend the day rebuilding what had been torn down? As I have thought about this, I've begun to call this the "enough is enough" mailbox. I see it several times a week as I go by. Thank you Lord.

Isn't this much like our lives as followers of Christ? How many times do we think we are ready to stand firm, only to see Satan swing by and crush us when we least expect it? Seeing this mailbox led me straight to what Paul tells us in the book of Ephesians...Ephesians 6:10-20. Here we are given so much insight into how we can arm ourselves with the "Full Armor of God".

If you read this passage you will note there are several words/phrases where Paul indicates to us that we should take positive, proactive action to equip ourselves to stand against Satan in our lives.

Here are some: be strong, put on, take your stand, stand your ground, stand firm, take up...and, yes...pray.

We'll talk more about the "weapons" that Paul presents to us in this passage, but for now...I ask this:

How well do you equip yourself each day with the full armor of God? Do you face each day knowing you can "stand firm"?

Just like the homeowners of the "rebar mailbox"...when will we say "enough is enough"?

See you soon...