Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Invitation to My Pity Party

This week we continued our discussion of the recent and truly impactful revelation that God has presented our class related to his "still small voice" from 1 Kings 19.

Perhaps the biggest thing we need to see here is to understand Elijah's state of being at this time. Basically, he is a tired, burn out, frustrated man. He has been used by God and been clearly spoken to by God in so many ways. He's been through a lot. He spoke the truth to the wicked King Ahab about worshiping idols and God's resulting famine. He took on the 450 prophets of Baal and showed them the one true God and even slew them in the process. And now, he is literally running for his life from the wicked Jezebel. He even prayed that God would take his life! "I have had enough, Lord" (verse 4). He goes to a cave to spend the night. In verse 11, the Lord tells Elijah to go stand out on the mountain, "for the Lord is about to pass by".

Can you imagine, you're so burn out that you've prayed for God to end your life, and now he says come outside and I'll "be right over"? What expectations would you have for how God would reveal himself and for what he would do?

Then came a great and powerful wind...of course, that's God right? Nope, not the earthquake either...not even the fire. God was in the "still small voice"...the "gentle whisper".

But here's where it gets real interesting...in verse 13 God says to Elijah basically..."what's the deal?"..."what's your problem?". Notice Elijah's response in verse 14..."I've done everything you've asked... I'm the ONLY ONE who's been faithful...and look where it's gotten me...I'm running for my life!".

Sound familiar to you? Have you ever said "why am I the only one doing everything for God?". Or how about this one..."why is it that only a few people do all the work around here?". I think we've all felt it or said it at one point or another. Notice 2 things about God's repsonse in verses 15-18...God tells Elijah:

1) I have a plan...keep following me by doing these things and you'll see the plan I have for you...and 2) Hate to tell you, but you're NOT the ONLY one that is faithful...I have reserved "7,000 in Israel...ALL who have not bowed to the false prophet Baal".

You see, we definitely learned from this passage that God will often times present himself to us as a "still small voice" rather than the wind, earthquake or fire. But we should also learn that even when we've reached the point of frustration on our faith journey, that God IS in control...He DOES have a plan for us. And when Satan's lies are telling us things like "we're the only one faithful"...don't believe it! God has reserved "7,000 others" that are faithful and all around us to help us on our faith journey. Pray to God that he would reveal them to you.

So turn out the lights on the pity party!

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